Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Honesty....it's what's for breakfast

Well actually for Jasmyn it was bread & syrup. As we speak I am letting my recliner soak so that I can go & steam clean it, again. It hasn't been steam cleaned since the butter & eggs episode, which wasn't that long ago. It actually wasn't as funny this time either, it was pretty annoying to tell you the truth. So that may be why you won't get to see a picture of a recliner soaked in syrup or the loaf of bread she decided to attack like a little rat. Seriously it looks like a rat got ahold to my loaf of bread, I mean she couldn't do the tie wrap so I guess the only way in was to bite through the plastic. She is still in the tub & will probally stay there until the mess is cleaned. Which if you know syrup....it gets everywhere. My feet are sticking to the floor for goodness sake! The poor girl was crying getting into the tub because her leg was stuck to her stomach from all the damn syrup.
SO after all this, it really got me thinking. Motherhood as a "job" sucks! It is the one job you can't quit. You might get a vacation, but it isn't paid. What I mean by vacation is kids going to maw maw's for the night, not sipping martini's on the beach. We don't get paid in anything other than hugs & kisses, which on days like this...who wants a hug & kiss for payment of cleaning sticky ass syrup off every square inch of the their house? Not me, not today. We get shit on, pissed on...& if we're lucky chunks get blown on us too. Why the hell did I ever apply for a job like this? Somedays I wish I could put her back & her daddy's sack....& well nevermind. You get the idea.
Does anyone know where I can get a good cage for this animal?

Don't get me wrong I love my kids...some days maybe a little less, but I do Love them. I seriously would of had to choke them some days if I didn't love them at all.
Ahhh...motherhood.... Not for the weak minded!

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