Monday, August 25, 2008

Turning 2 is all bout the fishes.

Well today my baby girl is TWO! Yup she sure is. The years have really flown by since her birth & I've enojed every minute of watching her grow.

Yesterday we celebrated her birthday by bringing her to the aquarium. She really had a great time considering we got soaked by all the rain. I personally thought it was fun walking through the rain.

Happy birthday my baby girl. We all love you soo very much & are blessed to have you in our lives.

Now on with the pictures. Enjoy!

I personally thought you only see monkeys at the zoo!

I think this is my favorite one of them two.

A really pretty fighting fish.

A "Happy Feet" as Jasmyn would call it. I don't think she even know what a penguin is.

One of Jaya checking out the fish. She looks so amazed.

I really love this one of the two of them. I think this was the hardest capture. Jasmyn never stays still long enough!


Alice said...

Happy Birthday Jasmyn!!!

Kim and Family said...

Happy Birthday Jasmyn!!! It looks like it was a lot of fun.