Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Yep...I'm still here!

Holy Moly it's been a while! So I guess that calls for some updates right?

Where to begin?

Hmmm....I am offically a Massage Therapist now! I am currently working at LeBijou, which is a really nice salon/day spa. I'm not bringing in the money I'd like quite yet but in due time my clientel will pick up. I can honestly say I LOVE my job. It's pretty great!!!
Even more exciting news (for me anyways) I will finally own my very first DSLR camera! YAY! I soo needed a hobby...and I really like taking pictures..sooo....I will be purchasing one within a week or two. I'm pretty sure I am going with the Nikon D3000. Enough about me...
On to the next one....
Jacob has been busy with work lately, which is no suprise. We love him for all his hard work though. He is still working on his music...he just sent off a CD to New York to be put on a compilation CD. So he just waiting to hear back on that...
Moving along to Jaya...she has been doing great. She really is just an all around great kid. She is doing awesome in first grade. She has brung home nothing but fridge worthy report cards. We are looking into putting her into a sport this summer. That should be exciting! She is also loosing teeth left & right! Poor girl is looking like a jack o lantern these days.
& then there is Jasmyn...she is still a handful. We just registered her for Pre-K about a month ago. She is super pumped for school. She talks about it everyday...that & Disneyworld.(which we are planning a vacay to very soon)We are thinking of putting her in sports this summer as well. We have to keep that girl busy!
Well that is all that has been going on around here lately. Exciting I know...lol Oh well till next time....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Time to catch up and share some news

Boy have I've been behind on this thing. You probally all forgotten about this little blog, huh? Well I'm back with some updates & photos. So sit back & enjoy.

Well as of July I have finally graduated college. I can't even begin to tell you how good it feels to be done... and to say I graduated college! Jacob took me out to eat after to celebrate. I had a good bit of friends & family that showed up to support me & holler like some fools when I walked across stage. But yeah, it was nice.
This past saturday I headed to New Orleans to take my National exam. I was soo nervous. I didn't really start studying till that week before. Cramming is a really bad idea, by the way. I shouldn't have doubted myself so much though. I knew that I knew my shit...and it showed!

Jaya has graduated from Kindergarten & has started her second year of school as a first grader. Never thought I'd be the parent of a first grader, time really snuck by on me. She got her first progress report today & her teacher says she is a joy to teach & such a great helper. Her grades are awesome & I am soo proud of her. We also just signed her up for Girl Scouts. She is starting out as a Daisy. She seems to like it so far, so we'll see how it goes. I just hope she makes plenty friends and has fun.

Jasmyn has just celebrated her third birthday and is quite the 3 year old. She keeps me busy, and is soo darn cute! She is def. my goofball. She keeps us laughing, there is never a dull moment with her around. Oh & she has been fully potty trained for a good few months now, which is awesome. No more diapers! She did really great with the whole training process. She decided she wanted to wear big girls one day & we have never went back to a diaper since. She also got her ears pierced for her birthday, and she LOVES it. She goes around telling everyone and it so cute to hear her explain how it hurted & that she said"ouch".

Jacob has just been working & being the man of the house. Poor guy. We love & appreciate all his hard work though. He can be the best..sometimes =]

So that's pretty much it with us. Till next time...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Honesty....it's what's for breakfast

Well actually for Jasmyn it was bread & syrup. As we speak I am letting my recliner soak so that I can go & steam clean it, again. It hasn't been steam cleaned since the butter & eggs episode, which wasn't that long ago. It actually wasn't as funny this time either, it was pretty annoying to tell you the truth. So that may be why you won't get to see a picture of a recliner soaked in syrup or the loaf of bread she decided to attack like a little rat. Seriously it looks like a rat got ahold to my loaf of bread, I mean she couldn't do the tie wrap so I guess the only way in was to bite through the plastic. She is still in the tub & will probally stay there until the mess is cleaned. Which if you know syrup....it gets everywhere. My feet are sticking to the floor for goodness sake! The poor girl was crying getting into the tub because her leg was stuck to her stomach from all the damn syrup.
SO after all this, it really got me thinking. Motherhood as a "job" sucks! It is the one job you can't quit. You might get a vacation, but it isn't paid. What I mean by vacation is kids going to maw maw's for the night, not sipping martini's on the beach. We don't get paid in anything other than hugs & kisses, which on days like this...who wants a hug & kiss for payment of cleaning sticky ass syrup off every square inch of the their house? Not me, not today. We get shit on, pissed on...& if we're lucky chunks get blown on us too. Why the hell did I ever apply for a job like this? Somedays I wish I could put her back & her daddy's sack....& well nevermind. You get the idea.
Does anyone know where I can get a good cage for this animal?

Don't get me wrong I love my kids...some days maybe a little less, but I do Love them. I seriously would of had to choke them some days if I didn't love them at all.
Ahhh...motherhood.... Not for the weak minded!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Well where the heck have you been?

I bet that's what your saying to yourself right now right? right? Please be right. Please say you have missed us. We love being missed.
Okay desperation over....
On with the good stuff.
No not that good stuff....gosh you people are just crazy!

Anyways I need to catch up on here. I've been slacking, so what's better than a Christmas Eve update at 2:12 in the morning. That's right...nothing!
Well not a whole lot to update on...but here goes.

Jayme- Is doing great. School is finished except for some make up classes I need to tend to. I have been doing massages here & there...ya know trying to put myself out there. I actually have a client from clinicals at school that is following me where ever my career takes me. He says I'm the best & it makes me all happy inside (knowing that I am the best)!!! My kids still drive me crazy, so nothing new to report on there. I still love to choke Jacob sometimes, but the kisses are better...so I'll stick with those. So see nothing exciting here.
Jacob-Has put out his new CD & I must say it's really good. I find myself singing his songs throughout the day. He is making big plans for a show this March, so hoping that goes really well for him. He is def. doing his thing & I am really proud of him. He is still working working working too on top of all of the other stuff. So maybe he is a little more exciting than me...
Jaya-Is on break for 2 weeks due to Christmas...bah humbug! Does anyone have some tylenol I can borrow I sense major headaches coming soon. The no school thing is really killing her, that girl loves her some kindergarten. Wonder if that will change once naps & playtime are over? She is overly excited waiting on Santa's arrival...broke Santa that is. She's not hard to please though.
Jasmyn-is well...still Jasmyn. I so wish there was a 2 week break for moms of naughty 2 year olds. Ahh...a girl can dream right? The only thing worse than a terrible 2 year old is a terrible 2 year old who never shuts up. Seriously where the hell did all these words start coming from. That isn't even the worst part...it's when she feels the need to repeat the same sentence atleast a hundred times. She kinda sounds like the seagulls off of Nemo....mine mine mine mine mine. Yeah...that's what I said!

So that's it, that's our update.
Till next time
I belv belv belv...that's all folks.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Stick A Fork In Me 'Cause I'm Done!

Reproducing, that is! It's official I never want to raise a 2 year old ever again.

So here's the story, Last a friend of mine called to see if I wanted to go over to her house. They were having a few drinks, eating wings, & playing Rockband. So me & the kiddos went. Long story short we didn't get to bed till very late...probally about 3ish I'd say. I think Jasmyn went down about an hour before I did, so I thought she'd sleep late in the morning. Boy was I wrong! Around 9ish Jaya comes in my room to wake me up with a sound of "oh shit" in her voice. The first words I heard were "momma, come see what Jamsyn did".....GREAT! As my feet hit the floor my first thought was "what could she have possibly done now"....NEVER underestimate a 2 year old & the shit they can get into!

As I entered the kitchen this is what I first saw.
Yes, those are eggs you see on my kitchen floor.

Now on to the next room.....

Yep, your right more eggs. If you notice that slick spot on the floor next to the container.....oh yeah it's butter....nice right?

Oh still not done! One more for ya!

Nothing says terrible two's like butter smeared in your lay-z-boy recliner!!!!

Anyone know where I can find a fridge lock????

Monday, August 25, 2008

Turning 2 is all bout the fishes.

Well today my baby girl is TWO! Yup she sure is. The years have really flown by since her birth & I've enojed every minute of watching her grow.

Yesterday we celebrated her birthday by bringing her to the aquarium. She really had a great time considering we got soaked by all the rain. I personally thought it was fun walking through the rain.

Happy birthday my baby girl. We all love you soo very much & are blessed to have you in our lives.

Now on with the pictures. Enjoy!

I personally thought you only see monkeys at the zoo!

I think this is my favorite one of them two.

A really pretty fighting fish.

A "Happy Feet" as Jasmyn would call it. I don't think she even know what a penguin is.

One of Jaya checking out the fish. She looks so amazed.

I really love this one of the two of them. I think this was the hardest capture. Jasmyn never stays still long enough!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our little update!

I bet you were wondering where we went, since I hadn't posted since the 4th? Well we're still here! Just busy as ever. Nothing too exciting has been going down here lately, but I'll give you the 411 on the J family anyways.
I'm still in school & that is going great. We started our clinicals again & I love it. I actually have clinicals tonight & should be washing all my sheets right now. Anyways, I had been on the hunt for a job to do my part to help Jacob to pay some bills. I feel like I had been searching forever! I finally got an interview for Target last week & I knocked them dead. I actually got my 2nd interview that same day, & was really happy about that. I went in Sunday for my drug screen & am waiting on them to call me for orientation. My starting pay will be $9 & I'm more than happy with that. I plan on working through school & afterwards until my massage career kicks off.
Jacob has been working & working & working. Nothing too new is going on with him. He really doesn't have time for much with the way he works poor guy. Hopefully me getting my job will give him a bit of a break.
Jaya is due to be starting school in about 2 weeks. We got her supply list in & holy moly who knew kindergarteners need THAT much stuff?!?! She got her school bag so far, & she wears it everyday. She is really excited to be starting school. I just hope it stays that way. Her kindergarden orientation is coming up also, that should be pretty fun for her.
Jasmyn is just hell on two feet. She is beating on the TV as we speak. She could honestly be the poster child for terrible two's. She sure does keep me busy, most of the time repeating myself....Jasmyn get down....Jasmyn stop hitting Jaya....Don't you dare throw that....Hey that's not nice...NOOOO!!!....Oh I could go on & on. She is just lucky she can't start school this year.
Till next time....