Reproducing, that is! It's official I never want to raise a 2 year old ever again.
So here's the story, Last a friend of mine called to see if I wanted to go over to her house. They were having a few drinks, eating wings, & playing Rockband. So me & the kiddos went. Long story short we didn't get to bed till very late...probally about 3ish I'd say. I think Jasmyn went down about an hour before I did, so I thought she'd sleep late in the morning. Boy was I wrong! Around 9ish Jaya comes in my room to wake me up with a sound of "oh shit" in her voice. The first words I heard were "momma, come see what Jamsyn did".....GREAT! As my feet hit the floor my first thought was "what could she have possibly done now"....NEVER underestimate a 2 year old & the shit they can get into!
As I entered the kitchen this is what I first saw.

Now on to the next room.....
Yep, your right more eggs. If you notice that slick spot on the floor next to the container.....oh yeah it's butter....nice right?
Oh still not done! One more for ya!
Nothing says terrible two's like butter smeared in your lay-z-boy recliner!!!!
Anyone know where I can find a fridge lock????